
序号 姓名 论文名称 期刊名称 发表时间 收录情况
1 金龙一 Nanoassemblies formed from amphiphilic pillar[5]arene–rod–coil  macromolecules in water for the detection of aliphatic diamines Dyes and Pigments 2022-03-01 SCI
2 李东浩 One-step integrated sample pretreatment technique by gas-liquid  microextraction (GLME) to determine multi-class pesticide residues in  plant-derived foods FOOD CHEMISTRY 2022-01-15 SCI
3 李东浩 Rapid and One-Step Screening of Taxane Compounds by a Two Dimensional Carbon Microfiber Fractionation System Combined with Tandem Mass Spectrometry JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 2022-04-20 SCI
4 许景哲 Total synthesis and stereochemistry establishment of tumescenamide A ORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS 2022-03-15 SCI
5 金京一 Fluorescent probe disclosing hydroxyl radical generation in mitochondria and nucleoli of cells during ferroptosis SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL 2022-12-05 SCI
6 李东浩 Analysis of multiple-phytohormones during fruit development in strawberry by using miniaturized dispersive solid-phase extraction based on ionic liquid-functionalized carbon fibers JOURNAL OF FOOD COMPOSITION AND ANALYSIS 2022-03-01 SCI
7 孙光延 Charge transfer regulated by domain differences between host and guest donors in ternary organic solar cells JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A 2022-11-01 SCI
8 金龙一 Co-Crystal Structure-Guided Optimization of Dual-Functional Small Molecules for Improving the Peroxygenase Activity of Cytochrome P450BM3 International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022-07-18 SCI
9 朱爱东 Controllable photon blockade in double-cavity optomechanical system with Kerr-type nonlinearity QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING 2022-01-01 SCI
10 张寿 Dissipative Generation of Two-Mode Mechanical Squeezing via Frequency Modulation Advanced Quantum Technologies 2022-02-01 SCI
11 吴宝嘉 Effects of dispatch strategies on optimum sizing of solar-diesel-battery energy storage-RO desalination hybrid scheme by efficient heuristic algorithm Journal of Energy Storage 2022-10-01 SCI
12 董美花 Fast removal of phenolic compounds from water using hierarchical porous carbon nanofibers membrane Journal of Chromatography A 2022-11-01 SCI
13 崔春植 Heavy Metal Ions Trigger a Fluorescent Quenching in DNA–Organic Semiconductor Hybrid Assemblies Polymers 2022-08-31 SCI
14 金明实 Ordered WOx/mesoporous SnO2 catalysts with excellent acetalization performance for producing bio-additives from glycerol MOLECULAR CATALYSIS 2022-03-09 SCI
15 王洪福 Quantum entanglement and one-way steering in a cavity magnomechanical system via a squeezed vacuum field Optics Express 2022-03-16 SCI
16 赵莲花 Self-assembled proton conduction networks consisting of SPEEK,  NH2-POSS, and IL with enhanced proton conduction and decreased IL loss Polymer 2022-06-03 SCI
17 孙光延 The effect of heavy atoms replacement sites on the luminescent ways of D-A-D type diphenyl sulfone molecules: Thermally activated delayed fluorescence and phosphorescence SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY 2022-01-05 SCI
18 董美花 Use of tandem carbon microfiber columns for on-line fractionation strategy of reducing ion suppression effects in electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry Journal of Chromatography A 2022-11-07 SCI
19 金龙一 A mitochondria-tracing fluorescent probe for real-time detection of  mitochondrial dynamics and hypochlorous acid Dyes and Pigments 2022-05-02 SCI
20 王洪福 Cooperative-effect-induced one-way steering in open cavity magnonics npj Quantum Information 2022-09-03 SCI
21 尹振星 Self-powered illuminating glucose sensor Nano Energy 2022-12-15 SCI
22 孙光延 White Emissions Containing Room Temperature Phosphorescence from Different Excited States of a D–��–AMolecule Depending on the Aggregate States ADVANCED SCIENCE 2022-02-01 SCI
23 刘洪雨 Asymmetric quantum synchronization generation in antiferromagnet-cavity systems European Physical Journal Plus 2022-07-30 SCI
24 金龙一 Construction of nanoaggregates from amphiphilic supramolecules containing barbiturate and Hamilton wedge units Polymer International 2022-04-01 SCI
25 王洪福 Engineering a Phase-Robust Topological Router in a Dimerized Superconducting-Circuit Lattice with Long-Range Hopping and Chiral Symmetry Physical Review Applied 2022-11-14 SCI
26 金明实 Glycerol acetalization over highly ordered mesoporous molybdenum dioxide: Excellent catalytic performance, recyclability and watertolerance Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 2022-05-25 SCI
27 安承巾 Intimately interconnected nickel carbonate hydroxide nanosheet-wire structure for high-performance asymmetric supercapacitors INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH 2022-11-28 SCI
28 王洪福 Mechanical squeezing induced by Duffing nonlinearity and two driving tones in an optomechanical system Physics Letters A 2022-02-06 SCI
29 刘洪雨 Microwave amplification in a PT -symmetric-like cavity magnomechanical system OPTIK 2022-06-02 SCI
30 洪哲 Minimax programming as a tool for studying robust multi-objective optimization problems Annals of Operations Research 2022-11-25 SCI
31 朴慧燕 NOAEL cancer therapy: a tumor targetable docetaxel–inorganic polymer nanohybrid prevents drug-induced neutropenia Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2022-10-27 SCI
32 朱爱东 Nonreciprocal transmission and asymmetric entanglement induced by magnetostriction in a cavity magnomechanical system European Physical Journal Plus 2022-04-04 SCI
33 安承巾 Novel Interconnected Nickel–Iron Layered Double  Hydroxide Nanoweb Structure for High-Performance  Supercapacitor Electrodes 发表刊物 2022-12-10 SCI
34 朱爱东 Perfect Single-Magnon Generator Based on a Hybrid Cavity-Magnonic System Annalen der Physik 2022-02-20 SCI
35 朴慧燕 pH-Responsive Inorganic/Organic Nanohybrids System for Controlled Nicotinic Acid Drug Release MOLECULES 2022-09-29 SCI
36 吴宝嘉 Pressure effects on the metallization and dielectric properties of GaP Physical chemistry chemical physics: PCCP 2022-01-10 SCI
37 尹振星 Recent Progress in Metal Nanowires for Flexible Energy Storage Devices Frontiers in Chemistry 2022-05-24 SCI
38 金广辉 Remarks on the growth of the Sobolev norms for the Maxwell-Chern-Simons gauged model in R1+1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2022-03-15 SCI
39 王洪福 Topological phase transition in cavity optomechanical system with periodical modulation Chinese Physics B 2022-06-01 SCI
40 李春花 Upper  and  lower L2-decay bounds for a class of derivative nonlinear schrodinger equations Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 2022-12-08 SCI
41 孙明哲 Degenerate Fractional Kirchhoff-Type System with Magnetic Fields and Upper Critical Growth MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 2022-08-22 SCI
42 张寿 Direct measurement of two-qubit phononic entangled states via optomechanical interactions Chinese Physcis B 2022-07-01 SCI
43 王洪福 Entanglement and Asymmetric Steering Between Distant Magnon and Mechanical Modes in an Optomagnonic-Mechanical System ANNALEN DER PHYSIK 2022-12-01 SCI
44 王洪福 Generation and Enhancement of Mechanical Squeezing in a Hybrid Cavity Magnomechanical System ANNALEN DER PHYSIK 2022-05-02 SCI
45 朴红光 Reliable control of magnetic vortex chirality in asymmetrically optimized magnetic nanodisk CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS 2022-11-01 SCI
47 金龙一 Efficient Removal Technology of Ammonia Nitrogen by Membrane Separation Chemical Engineering & Technology 2022-05-19 SCI
48 钟立楠 Four Families of Nontrivial Product Elements in the Stable Homotopy Groups of Spheres¤ CHINESE ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS SERIES B 2022-05-01 SCI
49 陶元红 Quantifying Quantum Non-Markovianity Based on Two Kinds of Coherence Measures. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. 2022-05-07 SCI
51 权波 空心硅酸锰纳米材料的制备及其在癌症诊疗中的应用 硅酸盐学报 2022-11-05 国内核心
52 李春花 Time decay of solutions to the damped nonlinear Schrödinger equations 黑龙江大学自然科学学报 2022-02-06 国内核心
53 朴勇杰 乘积度量空间上一类隐式压缩映射的唯一不动点 吉林大学学报理学版 2022-01-26 国内核心

序号 作者姓名 论文题目 刊物名称 级别 发表年度
1 陈阳 大数据时代关于智慧图书馆的思考 科技与创新 省刊 2018
2 陈阳 分析大数据环境下数字图书馆安全威胁与对策 知识经济 省刊 2018
3 刘玉杰 N‑Heterocyclic Carbene/Palladium Cascade Catalysis: Construction of 2,2-Disubstitiuted Benzofuranones from the Reaction of 3‑(2-Formylphenoxy)propenoates with Allylic Esters The Journal of Organic Chemistry SCI 2018
4 苗宇 Benzoquinone derivatives with antioxidant activity inhibit activated hepatic stellate cells and attenuate liver fibrosis in TAA-induced mice Chemico-Biological Interactions SCI 2020
5 苗宇 A Reversible Fluorescent Probe for Real-time Quantitative Monitoring of Cellular Glutathione Angewandte Chemie SCI 2017
6 苗宇 A reversible fluorescent chemosensor for selective and sequential detection of copper ion and sulfide Dyes and Pigments SCI 2016
7 姜贺阳 辅导员要当好大学生“四信”教育的向导 山海经 一般学术期刊 2019
8 姜贺阳 新常态下高校学生思想政治教育工作新理念 视界观 一般学术期刊 2019
9 姜贺阳 引领大学生社会主义核心价值观生活化的初探 新一代 一般学术期刊 2019
10 姜贺阳 充分利用新媒体加强对大学生的“四信”教育 科学与财富 一般学术期刊 2019
11 刘艳 全面从严治党视角下高校二级学院纪检监察工作路径研究 法制与社会 省级 2020
12 刘艳 高校共青团培育和践行社会主义核心价值观长效制路径研究 活力 省级 2018
13 刘艳 新时代高校共青团工作原则与方法的浅析 卷宗 省级 2018
14 吴雨琦 发掘中国古代音乐心理对音乐创作发展的研究 东亚细亚音乐考古学国际学术会议论文集 2018
15 吴雨琦 音乐创作歌曲对“青马”的实践意义研究 小说 省级 2019
16 吴雨琦 音乐考古成果在现今音乐创作中的新成就研究 东亚细亚音乐考古学国际学术会议论文集 2017
17 臧伟 大学生创业就业教育的实证论析 黑龙江民族丛刊 核心 2017
18 臧伟 高校“经济-心理-学业”三位一体资助育人路径研究 科学与财富 省级 2019
19 张文晶 基于朋辈理念下的大学生思想政治教育研究 长江丛刊 省级 2019
20 张文晶 高校思想政治教育中网络媒体的应用研究 智富时代 省级 2019
21 鲁京兰 基础化学实验 延边大学出版社 省级 2018
22 鲁京兰 海兰江龙井市区段表层沉积物重金属污染调查研究 科学技术创新 省级 2019
23 鲁京兰 9-庚氧基-5,6-二氢-4H-苯并[f][1,2,4]三唑并[4,3-a][1]氮卓-1-酮衍生物的合成 黑龙江科技信息 省级 2016
24 韩荣弼 Synthesis of Novel 8-alkylamino-5, 6-dihydro-4H-benzo[f][1,2,4]triazolo [4,3-a]azepines as Anticonvulsant Agents Disord Drug Targets 2016
25 韩荣弼 Synthesis and anticonvulsant activity of some novel 7-(benzylamino)-1H–benzo [b][1,4]diazepine-2,4(3H, 5H )-dione derivatives Medicinal Chemistry Research 2018
26 严华玉 Production of rare ginsenosides Rg3 and Rh2 by endophytic bacteria from Panax ginseng Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry SCI 一区 2019
27 严华玉 Recent progress and perspectives in biotrickling filters for VOCs and odorous gases treatment Journal of Environmental Management SCI 二区 2018
28 张莲姬 大学基础化学实验 化工工业出版社 教材 2019
29 张莲姬 响应面法优化金花葵多糖提取工艺 食品工业出版社 2级核心 2016
30 张莲姬 蒲公英多糖铁的制备 食品工业 3级核心 2019
31 崔春植 Multifunctional Polydiacetylenic Complex Films: Preferential Host-Guest Interaction with Specific Small Molecules  and Recognition of Aldehyde Derivatives Journal of Nanomaterials SCI 3区 2019
32 崔春植 Mercury Ion-DNA Specificity Triggers a Distinctive Photoluminescence Depression in Organic Semiconductor Probes Guided with Thymine-Rich Oligonucleotide Sequence Nanoscale SCI 1区 2018
33 崔春植 Monitoring Based on Narrow-Band Resonance Raman for “Phase-Shifting”  π -Conjugated Polydiacetylene Vesicles upon Host–Guest Interaction and Thermal Stimuli Small SCI 1区 2018
34 崔春植 Unusual Enhancement of Fluorescence and Raman Scattering of Core-Shell Nanostructure of Polydiacetylene and Ag Nanoparticle Synthetic Metals SCI 3区 2018
35 崔春植 Photoluminescence Enhancement of Poly(3-methylthiophene) Nanowires upon Length Variable DNA Hybridization Polymers SCI 2区 2018
36 崔春植 Cultivation of Activated Sludge Using Sea Mud as Seed to Treat Industrial Phenolic Wastewater with High Salinity Marine Pollution Bulletin SCI 2区 2017
37 崔春植 The Composition-Tunable Polydiacetylenic Complex Films: Conformational Change upon Thermal Stimulation and Preferential Interaction with Specific Small Molecules Journal of Nanomaterials SCI 3区 2017
38 崔春植 Bio-Recognitive Photonics of a DNA-Guided Organic Semiconductor Nature Communications SCI 1区 2016
39 崔春植 Protein Recognition by Phase-Transition of Aptamer-Linked Polythiophene Single Nanowire Small SCI 1区 2016
40 崔春植 A Facile Fabrication of Polydiacetylene Nanowires and Their Response to Aqueous Solutions with Basicity Synthetic Metals SCI 2区 2016
41 韩荣弼 Betulin esters with coumarin-3-carboxylic and 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoic acids Mendeleev Commun. 2017
42 金东日 Enantioselective analysis of ketoprofen in human saliva by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry with chiral derivatization Microchemical Journal SCI 2018
43 金东日 Determination of N-glycans in glycoproteins using chemoenzymatic labeling with Endo-M N175Q Microchemical Journal SCI 2017
44 金东日 Quantitative determination of uric acid using CdTe nanoparticles as fluorescence probes Biosensors and Bioelectronics SCI 2016
45 金光德 Density functional theory analysis for the limitations of fluoranthene-fusedimide based small molecule acceptor materials in photovoltaic performance Computational and Theoretical Chemistry SCI :4区 2019
46 金京一 Optical sensors based on functionalized mesoporoius silica SBA-15 for the detection of multianalytes (H+ and Cu2+) in water J Mater Chem SCI 2007
47 金京一 Molecular Keypad Locks Based on Gated Photochromism and Enhanced Fluorescence by Protonation Effects J. Fluores SCI 2014
48 金京一 Nitro-based selective inhibitors against matrix metalloproteinase-7 over matrix metalloproteinase-1 RSC Adv SCI 2015
49 金明实 Support effect of Ni/mesoporous silica catalysts for CO2 reforming of CH4 Research on Chemical Intermediates SCI 2018
50 金明实 Highly Ordered mesoporous cobalt-copper composite oxides for preferential CO oxidation Catalysis Surveys from Asia SCI 2017
51 金明实 Highly Ordered Mesoporous WO3 with Excellent Catalytic Performance and Reusability for Deep Oxidative Desulfurization Nano SCI 2015
52 朴晶玉 亲和素引发金纳米粒子聚集的影响因素研究 化学试剂 三类核心 2018
53 朴晶玉 Colorimetric human papillomavirus DNA assay based on the retardation of avidin-induced aggregation of gold nanoparticles Microchimica Acta SCI二区 2018
54 朴晶玉 Adansyl-rhodamine chemosensor for Fe(Ⅲ) based on off-on FRET Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Biomolecular Spectroscopy SCI三区 2015
55 权波 Solvothermal-derived S-doped graphene as an anode material for sodium-ion batteries Advanced Science SCI 2018
56 权波 Facile scalable synthesis of highly monodisperse small silica nanoparticles using alkaline buffer solution and its application for efficient sentinel lymph node mapping Journal of Materials Chemistry B SCI 2017
57 权波 Hollow nanostructured metal silicates with tunable properties for lithium ion battery anodes ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces SCI 2015
58 权波 中外合作办学高校化学实验课程考核方法初探 实验室研究与探索 中文核心 2018
59 全红梅 延吉市表层土壤中重金属的分布特征 延边大学农学学报 2017
60 商海波 The solvent and zinc source dual-induced synthesis of a two dimensional zeolitic imidazolate framework with a farfalle-shape and its crystal transformation to zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 Dalton Transactions SCI 2020
61 商海波 Fast on-fiber derivatization and GC/MS analysis of phytohormones in wheat based on pencil-type coated carbon fibers Food Chemistry SCI 2019
62 商海波 Rapid in Situ Self-Assembly of Carbon Fibers/ZIF-8 Composite for Efficient Adsorption Enhancement of Congo Red ChemistrySelect SCI 2019
63 商海波 Facile Surface Modification of Glass-Fiber Membrane with Silylating Reagent through Chemical Bonding for the Selective Separation and Recycling of Diverse Dyes from Aqueous Solutions ChemistrySelect SCI 2018
64 孙星男 Rotational-State-Dependent Dispersion of Molecules by Pulsed Optical Standing Waves Physical Review Letters 1区 2015
65 孙星男 Strong Optical Dipole Force Exerted on Molecules Having Low Rotational Temperature Chemphyshchem 2区 2016
66 谢玉忠 Theoretical study on the optical response behavior to hydrogen chloride gas of a series of Schiff-base-based star-shaped structures Journal of Molecular Modeling SCIE 2018
67 赵莲花 Anhydrous conducting composite membranes composed of SPEEK/silica/ionic liquids for high-temperature proton exchange Electrochimica Acta SCI,1区 2016
68 赵莲花 Synthesis of PdAu 3:1/C nanoparticles using phase-transfer method for ethanol electro-oxidation Journal of Applied Electrochemistry SCI, 2区 2016
69 赵莲花 The influence of various ionic liquids on the properties of SPEEK membrane doped with mesoporous silica Electrochimica Acta SCI,1区 2017
70 赵莲花 PtNiSnO2/C的制备、表征及其电催化氧化乙醇活性 物理化学学报 SCI,4区 2017
71 赵莲花 Synthesis of PdV/C nanoparticles using phase transfer method for oxygen reduction in alkaline electrolytes International Journal of Hydrogen Energy SCI, 2区 2018
72 赵莲花 Enhanced anhydrous proton conductivity of SPEEK/IL composite membrane embedded with amino functionalized mesoporous silica International Journal of Hydrogen Energy SCI, 2区 2019
73 安承巾 Highly integrated and flexible thermoelectric module fabricated by brush-cast doping of a highly aligned carbon nanotube web ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 中科院分区:1区 2019
74 安承巾 Preparation of highly stable black phosphorus by gold decoration for high-performance thermoelectric generators Adv. Funct. Mater. 中科院分区:1区 2018
75 安承巾 Research advances of organic and composite thermoelectric materials Korean Inst. Electr. Electron. Mater. Eng. 2018
76 安承巾 Improved interaction between semiconducting polymer and carbon nanotubes in thermoelectric composites through covalent grafting Carbon 中科院分区:1区 2017
77 安承巾 High-performance flexible thermoelectric generator by control of electronic structure of directly spun carbon nanotube webs with various molecular dopants J. Mater. Chem. A 中科院分区:1区 2017
78 安承巾 Foldable thermoelectric materials: Improvement of the thermoelectric performance of directly spun CNT webs by individual control of electrical and thermal conductivity ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 中科院分区:1区 2016
79 安承巾 A combined graphene and periodic Au nanograte structure: Fundamentals and application as a flexible transparent conducting film in a flexible organic photovoltaic cell Carbon 中科院分区:1区 2016
80 金碧瑶 Synthesis of PdV/C nanoparticles using phase transfer method for oxygen reduction in alkaline electrolytes. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy SCI二区 2018
81 金碧瑶 Synthesis of PdAu 3:1/C nanoparticles using phase-transfer method for ethanol electro-oxidation. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry SCI三区 2016
82 金碧瑶 PtNiSnO2/C的制备、表征及其电催化氧化乙醇活性. 物理化学学报 SCI三区 2017
83 李东浩 Recent review on carbon nanomaterials functionalized with ionic liquids in sample pretreatment application Trends in Analytical Chemistry SCI一区 2019
84 李东浩 Recent trends in analytical methods for water-soluble vitamins Journal of Chromatography A SCI二区 2019
85 李东浩 Fast on-fiber derivatization and GC/MS analysis of phytohormones in wheat based on pencil-type coated carbon fibers Food Chemistry SCI一区 2019
86 李东浩 Ultrasound-assisted liquid–liquid spray extraction for the determination of multi-class trace organic compounds in high-volume water samples Analyst SCI二区 2018
87 李东浩 Biomonitoring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by Salix matsudana leaves_ A comparison with the relevant air content and evaluation of environmental parameter effects Atmospheric Environment SCI二区 2018
88 李熙峰 Sesquiterpene lactones from Artemisia capillaris Chemistry of Natural Compounds SCI 2017
89 李熙峰 Radical scavenging constituents from the leaf of Humulus scandens Asian Journal of Chemistry SCI 2016
90 李熙峰 Antioxidant Active Constituents of Duchesnea indica Journal of Chinese Medicinal materials 核心 2019
91 田熙哲 酶解黑木耳饮料制备工艺的研究 食品研究与开发 3类核心 2018
92 田熙哲 利用化学科技创新社团进行理论与实践教学的实践 实验技术与管理 2类核心 2019
93 吴学 Fluorescent Probe for Real-time Quantitative Monitoring of Cellular Glutathione (DOI: 10.1002/anie.201702114) 2017, 56, 21 SCI一区,IF:11.73 2017
94 吴学 A Fluorescent Sensor for Dual Channel Discrimination Between Phosgene and a Nerve Gas Mimic Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (DOI: 10.1002/anie.201601346) 2016, 55, 1~6 SCI一区,IF:11.26 2016
95 吴学 A reversible fluorescent chemosensor for selective and sequential detection of copper ion and sulfide Dyes and Pigments .125 (2016) 292~298 SCI一区,IF:4.05 2016
96 杨云天 Self-Assembly of n-Shaped Rod-Coil Molecules into Thermoresponsive Nanoassemblies: Construction of Reversible Helical Nanofibers in Aqueous Environment Macromolecu les SCI一区 2016
97 杨云天 Morphological Control of Coil−Rod−Coil Molecules Containing m‑Terphenyl Group: Construction of Helical Fibers and Helical Nanorings in Aqueous Solution Langmuir SCI二区 2018
98 杨云天 Supramolecular nanostructures constructed by rod–coil molecular isomers: effect of rod sequences on molecular assembly Soft Matte SCI二区 2019
99 杨云天 Donor–acceptor interaction-driven self-assembly of amphiphilic rod–coil molecules into supramolecular nanoassemblies Nanoscale SCI一区 2019
100 杨云天 The relationship between molecular structure and supramolecular morphology in the self-assembly of rod–coil molecules with oligoether chains Soft Matter SCI二区 2020
101 杨云天 Construction of Supramolecular Assemblies from Self-Organization of Amphiphilic Molecular Isomers Chem. Asian J. SCI二区 2016
102 尹成日 Copper nanowires in recent electronic applications: progress and perspectives Journal of Materials Chemistry C SCI一区 2020
103 尹成日 Oplopanax elatus adventitious root production through fed-batch culture and their anti-bacterial effects Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture SCI二区 2020
104 尹成日 Production of rare ginsenosides Rg3 and Rh2 by endophytic bacteria from Panax ginseng Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry SCI一区 2019
105 尹成日 Performance and bacterial diversity of biotrickling filters filled with conductive packing material for the treatment of toluene Bioresource Technology SCI一区 2018
106 尹成日 Enhancement of TCE removal by a static magnetic field in a fungal biotrickling filter Bioresource Technology SCI一区 2018
107 尹成日 Electricity generation and removal performance of a microbial fuel cell using sulfonated poly (ether ether ketone) as proton exchange membrane to treat phenol/acetone Bioresource Technology SCI一区 2018
108 尹成日 Recent progress and perspectives in biotrickling filters for VOCs and odorous gases treatment Journal of Environmental Management SCI二区 2018
109 尹成日 静态磁场对生物滴滤池强化的研究——以三氯乙烯废气的去除及细菌群落结构研究为例 中国环境科学 EI 2018
110 尹成日 Effect of static magnetic field on trichloroethylene removal in a biotrickling filter Bioresource Technology SCI一区 2017
111 尹成日 Endophytic bacteria isolated from Panax ginseng improves ginsenoside accumulation in adventitious root culture of ginseng Molecules SCI三区 2017
112 尹成日 Biotransformation of ginsenoside Rb1 to ginsenoside Rg3 by endophytic bacterium Burkholderia sp. GE 17-7 isolated from Panax ginseng Journal of Applied Microbiology SCI三区 2017
113 尹成日 Microbial transformation of ginsenosides extracted from Panax ginseng adventitious roots cultivated in an airlift bioreactor Electronic Journal of Biotechnology SCI三区 2017
114 尹成日 生物滴滤池处理丙烯酸甲酯废气及细菌群落分 环境科学与技术 三类核心 2017
115 尹成日 Removal of methyl acrylate by ceramic-packed biotrickling filter and their response to bacterial community Bioresource Technology SCI一区 2016
116 尹成日 Microbial conversion of major ginsenosides in ginseng total saponins by Platycodon grandiflorum endophytes Journal of Ginseng Research SCI二区 2016
117 尹成日 Biotransformation of ginsenoside Rb1 to ginsenoside C-K by endophytic fungus Arthrinium sp. GE 17-18 isolated from Panax ginseng Letters in Applied Microbiology SCI四区 2016
118 尹振星 Copper Nanowires in Recent Electronic Applications: Progress and Perspectives Journal of Materials Chemistry C SCI 一区 2020
119 尹振星 Review of Wet Chemical Syntheses of Copper Nanowires and Their Recent Applications Applied Science and Convergence Technology 国外核心 2019
120 尹振星 Production of rare ginsenosides Rg3 and Rh2 by endophytic bacteria from Panax ginseng Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry SCI 一区 2019
121 尹振星 Copper nanowire/multi-walled carbon nanotube composites as all-nanowire flexible electrode for fast charging/discharging lithium-ion battery Nano Research SCI 一区 2018
122 尹振星 Curved copper nanowires-based robust flexible transparent electrodes via all-solution approac Nano Research SCI 一区 2017
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